TomTom Mobile 5 – Review en route !

TomTom Mobile 5   Review en route ! Get it ? Review “en route” ? Eh ? EH?! Oh.. I’m wasted me, I tell ya – I could write for The Sun.

This, my friends, is the infamous TomTom Mobile 5. I say “infamous” because it still – apparently – takes a minimum of 5 weeks to deliver and the other stores listed at don’t seem to have any or haven’t started listing it at all. What’s going on with that eh ?

Is it worth the wait ? Well, we’ll see – I’m going to be reviewing this soon and we’ll see if the extra features and super new tiny power-saving GPS unit are worth buying. Just look! Look how small the GPS unit is! There’s even a hole so you can put it on your keys

I’d like to include your thoughts in the up-coming review, so just click “Contact Us” and I’ll put your comments in.