More homescreen innovations – Photo Plugin

More homescreen innovations   Photo Plugin Well hello, what’s this? Yes, yet another innovative plugin for your smartphones’ homescreen. This time, it’s free, and allows your phone to display photos taken with your inbuilt camera.

Called PhotoPlug, the plugin scans your ‘\storage\my documents’ and sub-directories for JPEG files and then produces them as a slideshow. Images get sized for display on the homescreen change automatically every minute or so. Or you can press left and right to cycle through your album manually – and the action button should run your phone’s camera application. Just take some pictures and they will automatically start showing up on your home screen!

Now, this is in beta at the moment, and you should really ask this guy for more info. I’m currently asking him to add the \Storage Card\My Documents and \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures into the list of directories searched for photos. This is a very good homescreen plug-in though, and I know of certain people who’ll be coming out with some very lovely homescreens that use this plugin very soon!

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