Titbits from the web…

Titbits from the web... So, after all the MPx220 rumours, I decided to email Motorola myself and ask about the infamous clamshell handset – still yet to be announced by Moto. Here’s what they said…

“Thank you for your recent correspondence to Motorola. In reference to your inquiry, please locate the links below for information on this item:

http://www.mtekk.com.au/browse/page465.html http://www.mtekk.com.au/browse/page515.html

I hope this information will prove useful to you.”

Look at that! No friggin links to CoolSmartPhone! .. Grrr.. 🙂 Anyways.. They still don’t exactly admit that it’s “real” but they at least typed “MPx220” into a Google search, so perhaps that’s something. 🙂

On another note, I notice over at MoDaCo.com they’ve got a story about this compact Bluetooth keyboard, which looks pretty snazzy. Click here for a bit of info.

In other news, over at MSMobiles.com there’s an item about 6 cool new games from PDAMill. At MSMobileNews.com there’s news about a rumoured MS Smartphone called the Motorola V1000.

Also, at TheSun.co.uk there’s a story about Kate Beckinsale, who says that she doesn’t wear any underwear because it makes her feel “claustrophobic”. Yes, I know this has got nothing to do with your Smartphone, but I was definitely interested.. 🙂

UPDATEYourSmartPhone.com have received word that the MPx220 will be released July-August 2004 in the UK – expected to be sold by Orange. More info here – YourSmartPhone.com