When phone cases go bad

I’m going to try and explain this one as best as I can, but to be honest it’s still very, very strange indeed. An Amazon Artificial Intelligence bot, seemingly created to create additional products for a phone cases company, seems to have gone very wrong.

Presumably the bot was supposed to create Amazon products with popular images plastered on the back of cases. Instead of offering you the ability to add your own image, they’ll add lots of images and tempt you with the endless supply of what’s on offer.

Seems like a good plan, right?

Well no. At some point the related images have gone off at a strange tangent, and there’s now some ultra-strange (and in some cases, distasteful and sick) cases being created.

As a result, the phone cases from My-Handy-Design are pretty ridiculous. Here’s just a few that we’ve spotted so far..

Endoscopes, foot conditions, bandages, adult nappies and hearing aids feature heavily.

We also found ..

… And perhaps the weirdest one so far..

Drawn pubic hair peeking out of the panties of women cell phone cover case Samsung S5

If you’re really after more strangeness, head to the Amazon store where they may all still be online. There seems to be thousands of the things.