Xperia Z4 Tablet missing USB OTG support – UPDATE

News is starting to trickle in that the new Xperia Z4 Tablet is missing a very important productivity tool. It seems like Sony have made the omission of USB OTG support. It also seems to be that this is the case on the M4 Aqua and the Z3+.
Xperia Z4 Tablet missing USB OTG support   UPDATE

Now what do all these devices have in common? An uncapped microUSB port. It seems to be me that during the waterproofing of this port they have had to make the sacrifice of USB OTG.
Xperia Z4 Tablet missing USB OTG support   UPDATE

If this has been the case you can understand the thought process behind it. At the end of the day a waterproof tablet/phone is going to be more attractive than one that you can plug a USB drive into for the general public.

I am personally disappointed though, as I use USB OTG a lot on my current Xperia devices and I would miss it on the new devices.

We are trying to find out more from Sony about this to see if it is just an omission or if it is in fact something that has been excluded this time around.


I have been doing some digging and asking around and, with the help of Xperia Blog, I found the solution. It seems that this is now something that is hidden under the connectivity menu and it needs to be enabled to find the USB device.

The steps are ..

Plug in the USB drive then go to Settings, Xperia Connectivity, Detect USB.

It will then find the drive. You can also add an option to quick settings from the tip menu on the same page.

Xperia Z4 Tablet missing USB OTG support   UPDATE

Xperia Z4 Tablet missing USB OTG support   UPDATE

So it works! Huzzah! Thanks again to Xperia Blog for the help.