8GB iPhone4 rumours emerge

Reuters has reported that some Apple suppliers are gearing up for the production of a reduced capacity iPhone 4 variant. Whilst there’s a definite indication that some aspects of this story are true – despite Reuters being cagey about its sources – there’s no confirmed comment on it from Apple. Given that the last few iPhone launches have seen the previous model released as an 8GB ‘cheap’ option and we’re due a new iPhone towards the end of September, on the whole this seems credible, if entirely non-inspiring news (any bets on it retailing at the same price as the iPhone 3GS currently goes for now?).

There’s bags of speculation in the Reuters piece on new form factors, models for developing markets etc., but really it’s all just made up nonsense at this stage. As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m not expecting the world to move with the iPhone5, but Apple often has a little surprise up their sleeve, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

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