Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta – Now with fixes

Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta   Now with fixes If you read about Opera Mobile 9.5 recently you may, like me, have downloaded this whizzy new browser and tried it out. There were, however, a few bugs, and some have recommended NetFront as an alternative. For me, I noticed one very painful bug when the alarm stopped working on my phone. It seems that the version of Opera Mobile we all downloaded had a happy knack of turning off the reminder / notification sounds. Got no text sounds? This is probably way. The whole thing isn’t good if you’re asleep in bed at 10AM and the alarm should’ve woken you up for work at 8…

Anyhoo, download the new new 9.51b1 version and install it on the “local storage” / phone (not the Storage Card) – this should now be fix the problem and there should then be no reason for turning up late (damn it).

Links – opera.com (via opera blog)

Credit – Steve Jacobs