Orange Code Camp comes to the USA

Orange Code Camp comes to the USA After the success of the last Orange Code Camp in France last year, Orange are doing it all over again – this time in Florida USA.

More details on the event can be found here, where you can also register for the event and learn more about coding for the Smartphone. It kicks off on April 18th and lasts three days, during which time you’ll be at Sarasota tesing products against the live networks, learning about and the Orange mobile product requirements, development, testing plus certification and validation requirements.

It’s not all work though – Orange are a fun company and you’ll get the chance to chat with friends and chill by the pool. You can even check out the fun and games area or attend one of the parties with free food and drinks and live entertainment! Bargain! 🙂

If you’re interesting in developing / coding something for the Windows Smartphone, click here to get more info direct from Orange.