Evernote Labs opens to general public

Evernote Labs opens to general public

Evernote Labs, the beta community that tests improvements to the Android Evernote application, has opened its doors to anyone who wants to become a beta tester.

I have been part of the Evernote beta programme for a while now, and I would recommend anyone who is a regular Evernote user to join the programme if you are the type of user with a curiosity about how functionality appears. The group allows you to download the beta apps that Evernote are currently working on, and allows you to give feedback about any new functions. The beta versions are very stable builds and let you find out what is due to be released. Plus it means that you are actively helping with the development of the app.

Evernote Labs opens to general public

You can read more about it on the Evernote blog and click here to join the group. You can also view the Evernote for Android App Beta Test community on Google +.