Buzz Bee by Blugri is now available for Windows Phone

Buzz Bee by Blugri is now available for Windows Phone

Blugri Software have been making some of the better games for Windows Phone for quite a while now. The latest has just been published on the Windows Phone Store. It’s called Buzz Bee, your role is to be the bee.

Buzz Bee by Blugri is now available for Windows Phone

You basically fly the bee around dodging obstacles. It’s quite fun actually, the movement controls are also interesting as I’ve not seen controls like it before.

You’re a scout bee, Buzz, in a beautiful world with flowers and honey, but full of danger! Guide Buzz and his friends through a great number of levels, all in different environments and with different dangers – pesticides, predators and diseases that endanger him and his swarm. Use the collected honey to buy stronger power-ups to face these dangers more easily! Colorful high quality visuals, challenging and adventurous levels with a smooth and easy gameplay, equal lots of fun! Extra’s: – Many challenging levels in different themes – Interesting facts about bees – Extra power-ups via ‘In App Purchases’

Buzz Bee by Blugri is now available for Windows Phone

The game is free and it has some adverts between levels and in app purchases. It’s something a bit different and your kids might enjoy it too. Just click on the link below using your Windows Phone.
Buzz Bee by Blugri is now available for Windows Phone

Windows Phone Store Link – Buzz Bee